Website Translation

Accomplished in June

Posted by Civil engineering Executive Organization On 9:14 AM

These are the activities that the organization has finished in the month of June.

Campus Tour
About ten members (or more) of the organization volunteered at the Annual Campus Tour that the Office of Student Affairs held last June 15, 2008. During this activity, the members met and toured with the New Freshmen in the University. The courses of the blocs that the members facilitated were BS Biology, BS Forestry and BS Civil Engineering.

almOSAlan, Parade and Welcome Concert
Last June 18, 2008, the organization participated at the activities that OSA prepared to welcome the freshmen. Breakfast was served and Survival Kits were distributed by the members during the almOSAlan which started at 6:00AM that day. The organization also joined the parade at 3:00PM that started at the Humanities Building and ended at the front of Baker Hall. During the night, chosen members participated at the dance presentation that the CEAT organizations prepared.

CE Shirt
A successful release of the BSCE 2008 shirts was also accomplished in June. Starting from June 26, a BSCE 2008 shirts booth will be set-up at Vega Centre every Thursdays.


Another successful activity of the organization was the CEO orientation (held on June 24, 2008 at Chowking Vega Centre). Orientees from batch 2006 to 2008 participated in the said event. Prof. Jean Loyola, one of CEO's founding advisers, presented a speech before the orientees and the goal of the organization, that is to introduce CEO to the other BSCE students of UPLB, was achieved.

Team Building Activity

A bonding activity that served as both a team building activity and a sem starter activity was held on June 28, 2008 at the Freedom Park. Headed by Batch Pedestal, the organization enjoyed parlor games and enhanced their understanding about the importance of each member of the organization and the true value of unity.

To all the members of CEO, Congratulations and keep up the good work!


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